Furry Kids will accept payment in the form of Cash or Check (must include Driver’s License number and phone number). Payment is due in full at the time of booking or on the first day service begins. Insufficient funds for a check will be charged a $50.00 service fee.
Cancellations requested in writing via e-mail or text at least 48 hours prior to reservations will receive a Credit for the canceled services, minus a $30.00 service charge. Credits can be used for future services but expire after one year. No Credit or Refund will be issued for cancellation of any service regardless of service timeline made with less than 48 hours’ notice of the reserved service. Reservations which include a holiday are not eligible for a Credit or Refund regardless of cancellation date or service timeline.
WHAT Are Your Coverage AReas?
Our Service Areas Include the Following Townships: East & West Hanover, Lower Paxton, Middle Paxton and Susquehanna.
Will Services Be Provided in INclement Weather?
Furry Kids will use our best judgment in caring for your pet(s) and home during the time of inclement weather events and will try to carry out your instructions to the best of our ability. While every effort will be made to drive to your home the service schedule may be interrupted or altered due to circumstances beyond our control. Nearby emergency contacts will be required during Winter months. We will notify your emergency contact if you cannot be reached to advise you we cannot complete services due to extreme weather conditions, services will resume as soon as conditions improve. Dog walks will not be conducted during inclement weather for the safety and comfort of the Furry Kid and Service Provider.
WHAT Happens if My Trip is Longer Than Expected?
Care for your Furry Kid will continue per your notification that you will be delayed, and the timing associated with the delay. You will be billed for the extra visits when the services are complete.
How Much Notice is Needed for Service?
Please plan a few weeks in advance, we can pencil your reservation in tentatively, but in home consultations are required and our Terms and Conditions agreement signed before commitment is made to provide services. If you need our services for an emergency, the unexpected, or simply forgot to make arrangements for your Furry Kid we are here for you. Services without a prior reservation may have an additional fee and are subject to availability.
ARe You Bonded and Insured?
Yes, we at Furry Kids are bonded and insured.
How Will You Handle My Keys?
Furry Kids requires (2) keys be provided in advance for your scheduled sits. We recommend that your keys remain in your Furry Kids file for the convenience of future services and to enable online/telephone reservations, thus avoiding future key pick up appointments. All keys will be stored in a locked secure location. Key pick up/return requires an additional fee. Security Systems Protocol: Due to the possibility of power outages or mechanical failures, garage code access is not preferred. If you have a security system, we require you to program a 4-digit code for us – a code that we will provide at the initial consultation. We DO NOT use your code. This is done for security purposes.
Will You Come Meet The Pet Owner and The Animals Prior to The Sit Appointment?
Yes, absolutely. We offer a free consultation after you make your reservation in order to understand what schedule best fits you and your pet(s) while you are away from home.
Yes, Furry Kids will transport your furry kid to appointments should you need such a service. We will transport your Furry kid to the Veterinarian, Groomer, or Trainer, etc. within a 30 mile radius, additional miles are $3.00 per additional mile.
Can You Give Medications to My Pets?
Yes. We can provide oral (prefer pill pockets), liquid, and topical medications, as well as injections such as insulin. We require do a “test run” to be sure your animal will allow us to administer the medications while you are away.